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Bro-Gumbria Cumberland |
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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica |
dernière mise à jour 19/10/2010 11:58:04 |
Définition : Ancienne forteresse romaine du Mur d'Hadrien, |
Extrait de la carte Map of Roman Britain, de Ordnance Survey |
Extrait de la carte Hadrian's Wall, de Ordnance Survey Le triple trait situé en dessous représente la voie de desserte interne. De chaque coté, les MC = Milecastles, et le T = tous de guet |
Histoire : |
Étymologie : * Rivet and Smith : SOURCES - Rudge Cup : CAMBOGLANS - Amiens patera : CAMBOG[LANI]S - Ravenna 10711 (= R&C 131) : GABAGLANDA - Ravenna 10736 (=R&C 167) CAMBROIANNA - ND : In Seeck's edition the entry at XI,44 reads : Tribunus cohortis primae Aeliae Dacorum, AMBOGLANNA M. W. C. Hassall in Aspects of the ND (Oxford, 1976), 113, supposes a lacuna in an early MS of ND, and restores it as follows : -- XL43a : Tribunus cohortis primae Aeliae Dacorum, [BANNA -- XL44 : Tribunus cohortis secundae Tungrorum], CAMBOGLANNA See further BANNA. The presence of cohors II Tungrorum at Castlesteads is attested on RIB 1981-83 and 1999. The sources need some elucidation. On the restored form of the Amiens patera, see p. 230. The Rudge Cup and the patera tell us that a locative plural in -is- is being recorded (compare Mais, locative plural of Maia, on the same vessels); in the other texts Camboglanna is therefore a nominative or accusative neuter plural, not a feminine singular. Ravenna's first form has initial G for C, a common scribal error, and has at some stage lost -m-, which was often abbreviated, like -n-, in medieval MSS. Ravenna's second form has not previously been equated with Camboglanna. R&C indeed specifically deny the possibility; they emend the Cambroianna of the text to *Cambolanna, by no means unreasonably, and fmd an etymology for its second element in British *landa, *lanna (see VINDOLANDA), placing this *Cambolanna in S.W. Scotland. However, it should be noted that R&C's emendation leaves the original one letter short, whereas equation with Camboglanna does not; also, duplications in Ravenna are much more common than R&C allowed (see Chapter V). The wide separation of the two names in Ravenna's list is no bar to uniting them; compare the duplication of the name of another Wall-fort, Maio-Maia, again widely separated in the text. The Cosmographer was working here from two maps, whose differing scripts led him to duplicate in differing ways. See also Crawford's earlier study in Antiquity, IX (!935) > wherehehad other arguments for maintaining the separateness of the two places and for locating *Cambolanna well to the north of the Wall. Finally, ND's omission of the initial C- may be merely a scribal accident or an assimilation to Latin ambo- 'both'. DERIVATION. For *cambo-, see the previous entry. British *glanno- is now Welsh glann 'bank, shore', found also in British Glanum (if for *Glannum) and Glannoventa. The preésent name is thus 'curved bank' or 'bank at the bend'. IDENTIFICATION. The Roman fort at Castlesteads, Cumberland (NY 5163), beside thé Cam Beck. Note. Survival of the name for a time may be indicated if the Camelon of Harleian MS 3859, where Arthur fought two of his battles (one placed at A.D. 537), is really for Camlann or Cambglan. See discussion in Antiquity, IX (1935), 289-90, and Modern Philology, XLIII (1945), 56; also LHEB 437. Hassall notes, in support of thé identification with Castlesteads, that the Cambeck, the river at the site, may preserve the first élément of the old name. ***** |
Blason : |
Sources : - Eilert Ekwall : The concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names. 4è édition. Clarendon Press. 1936-1980. * A.L.F Rivet & Colin Smith : The place-names of Roman Britain. Batsford Ltd. London.1979-1982. * A.D Mills : Oxford Dictionary of British Places names. Oxford University Press. 1991-2003. |
Liens électroniques des sites Internet traitant de Castlesteads / Camboglanna : * lien communal officiel : forums de discussion* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica hast buan, ma mignonig go fast, my little friend |